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Function-based Immutable Balanced Tree in Typescript

This module contains the implementation of a size-balanced binary tree, which is the backing data structure for the OrderedMap and OrderedSet classes.

The OrderedMap and OrderedSet classes are easier to use, but the downside is current bundlers such as webpack, esbuild, swc, etc. do not tree-shake classes. Thus, this module exposes the tree as a collection of functions so that if you wish you can use this directly and get the benefit of tree-shaking. There is no additional functionality available in this module, so if you are already using the OrderedMap or OrderedSet classes, there is no reason to use this module.

To use, import the functions from the tree module:

import * as tree from "@seedtactics/immutable-collections/tree";


export type TreeNode<K, V> = {
readonly key: K;
readonly val: V;
readonly size: number;
readonly left: TreeNode<K, V> | null;
readonly right: TreeNode<K, V> | null;

A tree node with a key, value, and size

This is the main data type of a balanced tree, and the type you should use in your own code when passing around references to the tree. You can directly access the size property to determine the number of elements in the tree. (This module guarantees that the empty tree is always represented by null.)

export type MutableTreeNode<K, V> = {
key: K;
val: V;
size: number;
left: MutableTreeNode<K, V> | null;
right: MutableTreeNode<K, V> | null;

A mutable tree node with a key, value, and size

This should only be used during the initial building of the tree so that the tree can be built efficiently. After the tree is built, you should convert to the immutable TreeNode type and use the various immutable adjustment operations.

Comparison Utils

export type ComparisonConfig<K> = {
readonly compare: (a: K, b: K) => number;

The configuration for a balanced tree

A ComparisonConfig is passed to most functions manipulating the balanced tree data structure. You only need one ComparisonConfig per key type so you can store a single ComparisonConfig in a global variable per key type. The mkCompareByProperties function can help implement the compare function.

function mkComparisonConfig<K extends OrderedMapKey>(): ComparisonConfig<K>

Create a ComparisonConfig based on the key type

This function is used to create a ComparisonConfig based on the type of key. It supports numbers, strings, booleans, dates, and objects which implement the ComparableObj interface.

export type ComparableObj = {
compare(other: ComparableObj): number;

Interface allowing custom key objects in an OrderedMap

If you wish to use a custom object as a key in a HashMap or OrderedMap, you must implement the compare function. The compare function should return a negative number if this < other, return zero if this equals other, and return a positive number if this > other. A common technique is to use subtraction to compare numbers and String.localeCompare to compare srings. Comparing multiple properties can either use a sequence of if statements or use || to combine.

class SomeKey {
public readonly a: number;
public readonly b: string;
constructor(a: number, b: string) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;

compare(other: SomeKey): number {
return (this.a - other.a) || this.b.localeCompare(other.b);
function mkCompareByProperties<T>(
...getKeys: ReadonlyArray<ToComparable<T>>
): (a: T, b: T) => -1 | 0 | 1

Combine multiple comparable properties into a single comparison function

mkCompareByProperties will return a comparison function for the type T which compares multiple properties in order. Each property is specified by an extraction function which extracts the property from the type T. The comparison function will compare each property in order, returning as soon as a single property is not equal. Strings are compared using localeCompare.

This function can optionally be used to implement ComparableObj, but typically a direct implementation is shorter. mkCompareByProperties is instead used primarily by LazySeq.

type Foo = {
readonly someNum: number;
readonly someStr: string;

const compareFoo: (a: Foo, b: Foo) => -1 | 0 | 1 = mkCompareByProperties(
f => f.someNum,
{ desc: f => f.someStr }

{ someNum: 1, someStr: "Hello"},
{ someNum: 2, someStr: "Hello"}
)); // prints -1
{ someNum: 42, someStr: "AAA"},
{ someNum: 42, someStr: "ZZZ"}
)); // prints 1 due to descending ordering of the strings


function lookup<K, V>(
{ compare }: ComparisonConfig<K>,
k: K,
root: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): V | undefined

Lookup a key in the tree

function lookupMin<K, V>(root: TreeNode<K, V>): readonly [K, V]

Find the minimum key in the tree and return the key and value.

function lookupMax<K, V>(root: TreeNode<K, V>): readonly [K, V]

Find the maximum key in the tree and return the key and value.


function alter<K, V>(
{ compare }: ComparisonConfig<K>,
k: K,
f: (oldV: V | undefined) => V | undefined,
root: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): TreeNode<K, V> | null

Insert, update or delete an entry in the tree

Benchmarking showed that dedicated insert and remove functions were the same speed as a generalized alter function, so we only implement alter (which helps bundle size as well).

alter first looks for the key in the tree. The function f is then applied to the existing value if the key was found and undefined if the key does not exist. If the function f returns undefined, the entry is deleted and if f returns a value, the entry is updated to use the new value.

If the key is not found and f returns undefined or the key exists and the function f returns a value === to the existing value, then the tree object instance is returned unchanged.

Runs in time O(log n)

Initial Construction

function mutateInsert<K, V, T>(
{ compare }: ComparisonConfig<K>,
k: K,
t: T,
getVal: (old: V | undefined, t: T) => V,
root: MutableTreeNode<K, V> | null
): MutableTreeNode<K, V>

Insert mutably a key and value into a mutable tree

This function is designed to only be used during the initial construction of a tree from a network request or other data structure. from and build internally use mutateInsert and are easier to use, this is exported for advanced use.

An empty tree is represented as null and the tree will be mutated as values are inserted. The return value is the new root and the old root should not be referenced again. Once the tree is built, the type can be converted from MutableTreeNode to TreeNode. Typically this should happen in a single function whose return value is TreeNode.

function from<K, V>(
{ compare }: ComparisonConfig<K>,
items: Iterable<readonly [K, V]>,
merge?: (v1: V, v2: V) => V
): TreeNode<K, V> | null

Efficiently create a tree from a sequence of key-value pairs

from efficiently creates a tree from a sequence of key-value pairs. An optional merge function can be provided. When from detects a duplicate key, the merge function is called to determine the value associated to the key. The first parameter v1 to the merge function is the existing value and the second parameter v2 is the new value just recieved from the sequence. The return value from the merge function is the value associated to the key. If no merge function is provided, the second value v2 is used, overwriting the first value v1.

function build<K, V>(
{ compare }: ComparisonConfig<K>,
items: Iterable<V>,
key: (t: V) => K
): TreeNode<K, V> | null

Efficently create a new tree

build efficiently creates a tree from a sequence of values and a key extraction function. If a duplicate key is found, the later value is used and the earlier value is overwritten. If this is not desired, use the more generalized version of build which also provides a value extraction function.

function build<T, K, V>(
{ compare }: ComparisonConfig<K>,
items: Iterable<T>,
key: (t: T) => K,
val: (old: V | undefined, t: T) => V
): TreeNode<K, V> | null

Efficently create a new tree

build efficiently creates a tree from a sequence of items, a key extraction function, and a value extraction function. The sequence of initial items can have any type T, and for each item the key is extracted. If the key does not yet exist, the val extraction function is called with undefined to retrieve the value associated to the key. If the key already exists in the tree, the val extraction function is called with the old value to merge the new item t into the existing value old.


function iterateAsc<K, V, T>(
f: (k: K, v: V) => T,
root: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): IterableIterator<T>

Iterates the entries in ascending order

This function produces an iterator that applies the function f to each key and value in ascending order of keys and yields the results. This iterator can be used only once, you must call iterateAsc again if you want to iterate the tree again.

function iterateDesc<K, V, T>(
f: (k: K, v: V) => T,
root: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): IterableIterator<T>

Iterates the entries in descending order

This function produces an iterator that applies the function f to each key and value in descending order of keys and yields the results. This iterator can be used only once, you must call iterateDesc again if you want to iterate the tree again.

function foldl<K, V, T>(
f: (acc: T, k: K, v: V) => T,
zero: T,
root: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): T

Reduce all the entries in the tree to a single value

The letter-l in foldl stands for left. Thinking of all the entries as an ascending list, foldl starts combining entries from the left side. Thus, the entry with the smallest key is combined with the zero value, which is then combined with the next smallest key, and so on.

function foldr<K, V, T>(
f: (k: K, v: V, acc: T) => T,
zero: T,
root: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): T

Reduce all the entries in the tree to a single value

The letter-r in foldr stands for right. Thinking of all the entries as an ascending list, foldr starts combining entries from the right side. Thus, the entry with the largest key is combined with the zero value, which is then combined with the second-to-largest key, and so on.


function mapValues<K, V1, V2>(
f: (v: V1, k: K) => V2,
root: TreeNode<K, V1> | null
): TreeNode<K, V2> | null

Transform the values in the tree using a function

mapValues applies the function f to each value and key in the tree and returns a new tree with the same keys but the values adjusted to the result of the function f. This can be done efficiently because the keys are unchanged the arrangement of the tree is unchanged. mapValues guarantees that if no values are changed, then the tree object instance is returned unchanged.

This runs in O(n) time.

function collectValues<K, V1, V2>(
f: (v: V1, k: K) => V2 | undefined,
filterNull: boolean,
root: TreeNode<K, V1> | null
): TreeNode<K, V2> | null

Transform or delete the values in the tree using a function

collectValues applies the function f to each value and key in the tree and uses the return value from f as the new value. If f returns undefined, the key and value is removed. If filterNull is true and f returns null, the key and value are also removed. collectValues guarantees that if no values are changed, then the tree object instance is returned unchanged.

This runs in O(n) time.


export type SplitResult<K, V> = {
readonly below: TreeNode<K, V> | null;
readonly val: V | undefined;
readonly above: TreeNode<K, V> | null;

The result of splitting a tree into keys above and below a given key

function split<K, V>(
{ compare }: ComparisonConfig<K>,
k: K,
root: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): SplitResult<K, V>

Split a tree on a key

split splits a tree into keys below and above a given key. The return type consists of a balanced tree of all keys less than the given key, the value associated to the given key if it exists, and a balanced tree of all keys greater than the given key.

Runs in O(log n) time.

function partition<K, V>(
f: (k: K, v: V) => boolean,
root: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): readonly [TreeNode<K, V> | null, TreeNode<K, V> | null]

Partition a tree based on a boolean function

The function f is applied to each key and value. The entries for which f returns true are placed in one tree and entries for which f returns false are placed in the other. The two trees are returned as a tuple, with the true tree returned as the first element of the tuple.

If the function f returns true for all entries, then the first tree object instance is guaranteed to be === to the initial tree object instance. Similar for if f returns false for all entries.

This runs in O(n) time.

export type ViewResult<K, V> = {
k: K;
v: V;
rest: TreeNode<K, V> | null;

The combination of a single key-value and a balanced tree of all remaining values

function minView<K, V>(root: TreeNode<K, V>): ViewResult<K, V>

Extract the minimum key and compute a balanced tree of all other values

minView finds the minimum key and then removes it, producing a new balanced tree of all other keys and values. Both the removed key and value and the newly balanced tree is returned.

Runs in O(log n) time, so can be used to efficiently pop the minimum key.

function maxView<K, V>(root: TreeNode<K, V>): ViewResult<K, V>

Extract the maximum key and compute a balanced tree of all other values

maxView finds the maximum key and then removes it, producing a new balanced tree of all other keys and values. Both the removed key and value and the newly balanced tree is returned.

Runs in O(log n) time, so can be used to efficiently pop the maximum key.

function isKeySubset<K, V1, V2>(
cfg: ComparisonConfig<K>,
root1: TreeNode<K, V1> | null,
root2: TreeNode<K, V2> | null
): boolean

Returns true if every key in root1 is also present in root2

isKeySubset checks if the keys in root1 are a subset of the keys in root2.

Runs in time O(m log(n/m + 1)) where m is the size of root1 and n is the size of root2.

function isDisjoint<K, V1, V2>(
cfg: ComparisonConfig<K>,
root1: TreeNode<K, V1> | null,
root2: TreeNode<K, V2> | null
): boolean

Returns true if keys are disjoint between the two trees

disjoint checks if the keys in root1 are disjoint from the keys in root2, i.e. the intersection is empty.

Runs in time O(m log(n/m + 1)) where m is the size of the smaller set and n is the size of the larger set.

Bulk Modification

function union<K, V>(
cfg: ComparisonConfig<K>,
merge: (v1: V, v2: V, k: K) => V,
root1: TreeNode<K, V> | null,
root2: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): TreeNode<K, V> | null

Returns a new tree which combines all entries in two trees

union produces a new balanced tree which contains all the entries in both trees. If a key appears in only one of the two trees, the value from the tree is used. If a key appears in both trees, the provided merge function is used to determine the value. union guarantees that if the resulting tree is equal to root1, then the root1 object instance is returned unchanged.

Runs in time O(m log(n/m)) where m is the size of the smaller tree and n is the size of the larger tree.

function intersection<K, V>(
cfg: ComparisonConfig<K>,
merge: (v1: V, v2: V, k: K) => V,
root1: TreeNode<K, V> | null,
root2: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): TreeNode<K, V> | null

Returns a new tree which contains only entries whose keys are in both trees

intersection produces a tree which contains all the entries which have keys in both trees. For each such entry, the merge function is used to determine the resulting value. intersection guarantees that if the resulting tree is equal to root1, then root1 is returned unchanged.

Runs in time O(m log(n/m)) where m is the size of the smaller tree and n is the size of the larger tree.

function difference<K, V1, V2>(
cfg: ComparisonConfig<K>,
root1: TreeNode<K, V1> | null,
root2: TreeNode<K, V2> | null
): TreeNode<K, V1> | null

Returns a new tree which contains only keys which appear in the first but not the second tree

difference produces a tree which contains all the entries in root1 where the key does not exist in root2. Can think of this as root1 - root2 where the subtraction is removing all the keys in root2 from root1. The values of the root2 tree are ignored and can be any value V2. difference guarantees that if no entries are removed from root1, then root1 object is returned unchanged.

Runs in time O(m log(n/m)) where m is the size of the smaller tree and n is the size of the larger tree.

function symmetricDifference<K, V>(
cfg: ComparisonConfig<K>,
root1: TreeNode<K, V> | null,
root2: TreeNode<K, V> | null
): TreeNode<K, V> | null

Returns a new tree which contains only entries whose key appear in exactly one of the two trees

symmetricDifference produces a tree which contains all the entries in root1 and root2 where the key does not exist in both trees. If root1 or root2 are null, the other tree is returned unchanged.

Runs in time O(m log(n/m)) where m is the size of the smaller tree and n is the size of the larger tree.

function adjust<K, V1, V2>(
cfg: ComparisonConfig<K>,
f: (v1: V1 | undefined, v2: V2, k: K) => V1 | undefined,
root1: TreeNode<K, V1> | null,
root2: TreeNode<K, V2> | null
): TreeNode<K, V1> | null

Return a tree which adjusts all the provided keys with a specified modification function.

adjust is passed two trees: root1 is the tree to modify and root2 is the keys to adjust associated to helper values of type V2 (the type V2 can be anything and does not need to be related V1). For each key in root2 to modify, adjust looks up the key in root1 and then calls the function f with the current existing value in root1 (or undefined if the key does not exist) and the helper value from root2 associated with the key. The return value from f is set as the new value for the key, or removed if the return value is undefined.

adjust guarantees that if nothing was added, removed, or changed, then root1 is returned.

Runs in time O(n + m) where n and m are the sizes of the two trees.