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Utility Methods for Iterables

class LazySeq<T>

A class-wrapper around iterables

The LazySeq<T> class stores an iterable of type T and provides a number of methods to transform the iterable. The general format for data manipulation is to start with some data in a data structure such as an array, object, HashMap, etc. Create a new LazySeq chain starting from the initial data, call various transformation methods to map, group, filter, aggregate the data, and finally terminate the chain by converting back to a data structure. Because most of the transformation methods are lazy, the new terminating data structure can be built directly from the transformed data in one pass.

Static Creation Methods

static of<T>(iter: Iterable<T>): LazySeq<T>

Creates a new LazySeq from any Iterable

static ofIterator<T>(f: () => Iterator<T>): LazySeq<T>

Creates a new LazySeq from any iterator

Like the iterator protocol, the iterator function is called each time the LazySeq is iterated. Typically, you would use zero-argument generator function to create the iterator.

const oddNums = LazySeq.ofIterator(function* () {
for (let i = 1; i < 10; i += 2) {
yield i;
static ofObject<V>(obj: { [k: string]: V }): LazySeq<readonly [string, V]>

Creates a new LazySeq from the keys and values of an object

Only the own properties of the object are included.

static ofRange(start: number, end: number, step?: number): LazySeq<number>

Creates a new LazySeq of numbers with a given start, end, and step

The range is inclusive of the start and exclusive of the end. The step defaults to 1 and can be negative. Note there is no infinite loop prevention, so make sure the step is not zero.


𝑜𝑏𝑗.[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T>

Iterates the entries in the LazySeq

This is the default iteration when using for .. of directly on the LazySeq.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.aggregate<K, S>(
key: (x: T) => K & JsMapKey,
val: (x: T) => S,
combine: (s1: S, s2: S) => S
): LazySeq<readonly [K, S]>

Strictly combines entries which map to the same key

aggregate strictly transforms each entry in the LazySeq using the provided key and val functions. Entries which map to the same key are then combined with the combine function. Internally, this uses a javascript Map so the keys must be strings or numbers.

For more complex keys, use instead LazySeq.toHashMap, LazySeq.buildHashMap, LazySeq.toOrderedMap, or LazySeq.buildOrderedMap.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.append(x: T): LazySeq<T>

Lazily appends the given value to the end of the LazySeq

𝑜𝑏𝑗.chunk(size: number): LazySeq<ReadonlyArray<T>>

Lazily splits the LazySeq into chunks of the given size

Each chunk except the final chunk will have exactly size entries.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.concat(i: Iterable<T>): LazySeq<T>

Lazily adds the specified iterable to the end of the LazySeq

In other words, when iterated the resulting LazySeq will first yield the entries in the input LazySeq and then the entries in the iterable passed into concat.

const nums = LazySeq.of([1, 2, 3]).concat([4, 5, 6]);
for (const x of nums) {
// the above prints 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
𝑜𝑏𝑗.distinct(this: LazySeq<T & JsMapKey>): LazySeq<T>

Strictly calculates only the distinct entries in the LazySeq

Internally, this uses a javascript Set so the entries must be strings or numbers. For more complex entries, use instead LazySeq.distinctBy, LazySeq.toHashSet or LazySeq.toOrderedSet.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.distinctBy(prop: ToHashable<T>, ...props: Array<ToHashable<T>>): LazySeq<T>

Strictly calculates only the entries with distinct properties in the LazySeq

This method is given one or more property-extraction functions. distinctBy then calculates the distinct entries in the LazySeq based on the tuple of those properties using a HashMap internally, so properties must be ToHashable.

distinctBy and LazySeq.toHashMap are very similar; the main difference is that when you have multiple properties you want to use, distinctBy internally handles creating a custom key tuple.

See also LazySeq.distinctAndSortBy if you want to sort the entries by the properties.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.distinctAndSortBy(prop: ToComparable<T>, ...props: Array<ToComparable<T>>): LazySeq<T>

Strictly calculates only the entries with distinct properties in the LazySeq and yields them in sorted order

This method is given one or more property-extraction functions. distinctAndSortBy then inserts them internally into a OrderedMap and yields them in ascending order. Thus, all properties must implement ToComparable.

distinctAndSortBy and LazySeq.toOrderedMap are very similar; the main difference is that when you have multiple properties you want to use, distinctAndSortBy internally handles creating a custom key tuple.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.drop(n: number): LazySeq<T>

Lazily skips over a given number of entries in the LazySeq

When the resulting LazySeq is iterated, the first n entries will be skipped. If n is larger than the total number of entries, the resulting LazySeq will be empty.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.dropWhile(f: (x: T) => boolean): LazySeq<T>

Lazily skips over entries until the specified predicate is false

When the resulting LazySeq is iterated, each entry is passed to the predicate function. If an entry returns true, it is skipped. If an entry returns false, it is yielded and from then on the remainder of the entries are yielded unchanged. Thus, only the initial prefix of entries for which the predicate returns true are skipped.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.filter<S extends T>(f: (x: T) => x is S): LazySeq<S>

Lazily filters the entries in the LazySeq to be only those returning true from a predicate function

This type signature using a type predicate to allow the correct type after filtering to be inferred.

function isFish(pet: Fish | Bird): pet is Fish {
return (pet as Fish).swim !== undefined;

const animals: LazySeq<Fish | Bird> = LazySeq.of([sunfish, penguin, goldfish, albatross]);
const fish = animals.filter(isFish); // the type will be correctly inferred to be LazySeq<Fish>
𝑜𝑏𝑗.filter(f: (x: T) => boolean): LazySeq<T>

Lazily filters the entries in the LazySeq to be only those returning true from a predicate function

𝑜𝑏𝑗.flatMap<S>(f: (x: T) => Iterable<S>): LazySeq<S>

Lazily map each entry to multiple values and flatten all the resulting values into a single sequence

𝑜𝑏𝑗.groupBy<PropFn extends ToHashable<T>, PropFns extends ToHashable<T>[]>(
propFn: PropFn,
...fs: PropFns
): LazySeq<[TupleOfHashProps<T, [PropFn, ...PropFns]>, ReadonlyArray<T>]>

Strictly group the values by one or more properties and yield the resulting groups

groupBy takes one or more property-extraction functions and groups the values by the tuple of these properties. For each tuple of properties, all values which have the same tuple are combined into an array. Internally, this uses a HashMap so the resulting groups appear in any order and thus properties must be hashable. Use LazySeq.orderedGroupBy if the properties can only be compared but not hashed.

This function is very similar to LazySeq.toLookup, but the main advantage of groupBy is that you do not need to create a custom key class for a tuple of multiple properties.

The TupleOfHashProps type is a helper type which extracts the type of each property and creates a tuple of those types.

const seq = LazySeq.of([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]);
const groups = seq.groupBy(x => x % 2, x => x % 3);
// groups will consist of the following
// the first element of each group is the tuple of [x % 2, x % 3] and the second is the array of values
// [ [0, 0], [6, 12] ]
// [ [0, 1], [4, 10] ]
// [ [0, 2], [2, 8] ]
// [ [1, 0], [3, 9] ]
// [ [1, 1], [1, 7] ]
// [ [1, 2], [5, 11] ]
𝑜𝑏𝑗.orderedGroupBy<PropFn extends ToComparable<T>, PropFns extends ToComparable<T>[]>(
propfn: PropFn,
...fns: PropFns
): LazySeq<[TupleOfCmpProps<T, [PropFn, ...PropFns]>, ReadonlyArray<T>]>

Strictly group the values by one or more properties and yield the resulting groups

orderedGroupBy takes one or more property-extraction functions and groups the values by the tuple of these properties. For each tuple of properties, all values which have the same tuple are combined into an array. Internally, this uses an OrderedMap so the resulting groups will appear in ascending order of key.

This function is very similar to LazySeq.toOrderedLookup, but the main advantage of orderedGroupBy is that you do not need to create a custom key class for a tuple of multiple properties.

The TupleOfCmpProps type is a helper type which extracts the type of each property and creates a tuple of those types.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.map<S>(f: (x: T, idx: number) => S): LazySeq<S>

Lazily apply a function to each entry in a LazySeq

Each element of the LazySeq is applied to the provided function f, along with the zero-based index of the element.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.collect<S>(f: (x: T) => S | null | undefined): LazySeq<S>

Lazily apply a function to each entry in a LazySeq and only include those which are not null or undefined

Each element of the LazySeq is applied to the provided function f. If the result is not null or undefined, it is included in the resulting LazySeq.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.prepend(x: T): LazySeq<T>

Lazily prepend the given value to the beginning of the LazySeq

𝑜𝑏𝑗.prependAll(i: Iterable<T>): LazySeq<T>

Lazily adds the specified iterable to the beginning of the LazySeq

In other words, when iterated the resulting LazySeq will first yield the entries in the iterable passed to prependAll and then after that yield the entries in the LazySeq.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.sortWith(compare: (v1: T, v2: T) => number): LazySeq<T>

Strictly sort the values in the LazySeq using the provided comparison function

This produces a new sorted LazySeq and thus is intended to be used in the middle of a chain of transformations. If you want to terminate the LazySeq into a sorted data structure, use LazySeq.toSortedArray or LazySeq.toOrderedMap.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.sortBy(prop: ToComparable<T>, ...props: ReadonlyArray<ToComparable<T>>): LazySeq<T>

Strictly sort the values in the LazySeq by the provided properties

sortBy takes one or more property-extraction functions. The values are applied to each property-extraction function and then sorted by the tuple of resulting properties. This produces a new sorted LazySeq and thus is intended to be used in the middle of a chain of transformations. If you want to terminate the LazySeq into a sorted data structure, use LazySeq.toSortedArray or LazySeq.toOrderedMap.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.tail(): LazySeq<T>

Lazily create a LazySeq which iterates all but the first entry

If the LazySeq is empty, the resulting LazySeq will also be empty. If the LazySeq is not empty, all but the first entry will be included in the resulting LazySeq.

const s = LazySeq.of([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
for (const x of s.tail()) {
// prints 2, 3, 4, 5
𝑜𝑏𝑗.take(n: number): LazySeq<T>

Lazily take the initial specified number of entries in the LazySeq and ignore the rest

When the resulting LazySeq is iterated, the first n entries will be yielded. If n is larger than the total number of entries, the entire LazySeq will be yielded. Any entries beyond the first n will be ignored.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.takeWhile(f: (x: T) => boolean): LazySeq<T>

Lazily takes entries while the specified predicate is true

When the resulting LazySeq is iterated, each entry is passed to the predicate function. If an entry returns true, it is yielded. As soon as an entry returns false, it is not yielded and no more entries are processed.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.zip<S>(other: Iterable<S>): LazySeq<readonly [T, S]>

Lazily combine the LazySeq with an iterable entry by entry into tuples of size 2

Both the LazySeq and the iterable are jointly iterated element-by-element. The elements are combined into a tuple of size 2. As soon as one of the iterators is exhausted, the iteration ends and any remaining elements in the other iterator are ignored.

const s1 = LazySeq.of([1, 2, 3]);
const s2 = LazySeq.of(['a', 'b', 'c']);
const s3 =;
for (const [x, y] of s3) {
console.log(x, y);
// prints 3 lines:
// 1 a
// 2 b
// 3 c


𝑜𝑏𝑗.every(f: (x: T) => boolean): boolean

Check if all entries in the LazySeq return true from the provided function

If the LazySeq is empty, this function returns true.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.some(f: (x: T) => boolean): boolean

Check if any entry in the LazySeq return true from the provided function

If the LazySeq is empty, this function returns false.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.isEmpty(): boolean

Returns true if the LazySeq is empty

𝑜𝑏𝑗.find(f: (v: T) => boolean): T | undefined

Search for an entry which returns true when provided to f.

If found, the element is returned. Otherwise, undefined is returned.

Returns the first entry of the LazySeq or undefined if the LazySeq is empty.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.length(): number

Returns the length of the LazySeq

𝑜𝑏𝑗.maxBy(prop: ToComparable<T>, ...props: ReadonlyArray<ToComparable<T>>): T | undefined

Returns the maximum value in the LazySeq

If the LazySeq is empty, undefined is returned. Otherwise, each function passed to maxBy is applied to each entry in the LazySeq and the entry with the maximum value is returned.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.minBy(prop: ToComparable<T>, ...props: ReadonlyArray<ToComparable<T>>): T | undefined

Returns the minimum value in the LazySeq

If the LazySeq is empty, undefined is returned. Otherwise, each function passed to minBy is applied to each entry in the LazySeq and the entry with the minimum value is returned.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.sumBy(getNumber: (v: T) => number): number

Sums up the entries in the LazySeq

Applies the passed function to each entry in the LazySeq and sums up the results. If the LazySeq is empty, 0 is returned.


𝑜𝑏𝑗.toRArray(): ReadonlyArray<T>

Converts the LazySeq to a readonly array

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toMutableArray(): Array<T>

Converts the LazySeq to an Array

In the spirit of immutability, you should prefer LazySeq.toRArray which returns a readonly array.

prop: ToComparable<T>,
...props: ReadonlyArray<ToComparable<T>>
): ReadonlyArray<T>

Sorts the entries in the LazySeq and returns a readonly array

The entries are sorted by the properties returned by the passed functions.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toHashMap<K, S extends NotUndefined>(
f: (x: T) => readonly [K & HashKey, S],
merge?: (v1: S, v2: S) => S
): HashMap<K & HashKey, S>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to a HashMap

This is a convenience function for HashMap.from which creates a HashMap from a function which converts the entries in the LazySeq to a tuple of a key and a value. When a duplicate key is found, the provided merge function is used to determine the value; see the docs for HashMap.from for details. If you don't wish to merge values, LazySeq.toLookup and LazySeq.toLookupMap keep all the duplicate values.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.buildHashMap<K>(key: (x: T) => K & HashKey): HashMap<K & HashKey, T>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to a HashMap

This is a convenience function for which creates a HashMap from a key extraction function. With duplicate keys, the later value is used. See the docs for for details. If you don't wish to overwrite values, LazySeq.toLookup and LazySeq.toLookupMap keep all the duplicate values.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.buildHashMap<K, S extends NotUndefined>(
key: (x: T) => K & HashKey,
val: (old: S | undefined, t: T) => S
): HashMap<K & HashKey, S>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to a HashMap

This is a convenience function for which creates a HashMap from a key extraction function and a value extraction function. See the docs for for details. If you don't wish to merge values, LazySeq.toLookup and LazySeq.toLookupMap keep all the duplicate values.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toOrderedMap<K, S extends NotUndefined>(
f: (x: T) => readonly [K & OrderedMapKey, S],
merge?: (v1: S, v2: S) => S
): OrderedMap<K & OrderedMapKey, S>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to an OrderedMap

This is a convenience function for OrderedMap.from which creates an OrderedMap from a function which converts the entries in the LazySeq to a tuple of a key and a value. When a duplicate key is found, the provided merge function is used to determine the value; see the docs for OrderedMap.from for details. If you don't wish to overwrite values, LazySeq.toOrderedLookup and LazySeq.toOrderedLookup keep all the duplicate values.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.buildOrderedMap<K>(key: (x: T) => K & OrderedMapKey): OrderedMap<K & OrderedMapKey, T>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to an OrderedMap

This is a convenience function for which creates an OrderedMap from a key extraction function. When a duplicate key is found, the value is overwritten with the later value. See the docs for for details. If you don't wish to overwrite values, LazySeq.toOrderedLookup and LazySeq.toLookupOrderedMap keep all the duplicate values.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.buildOrderedMap<K, S extends NotUndefined>(
key: (x: T) => K & OrderedMapKey,
val: (old: S | undefined, t: T) => S
): OrderedMap<K & OrderedMapKey, S>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to an OrderedMap

This is a convenience function for which creates an OrderedMap from a key extraction function and a value extraction function. See the docs for for details. If you don't wish to merge values, LazySeq.toOrderedLookup and LazySeq.toLookupOrderedMap keep all the duplicate values.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toRMap<K, S>(
f: (x: T) => readonly [K & JsMapKey, S],
merge?: (v1: S, v2: S) => S
): ReadonlyMap<K, S>

Converts the entries of the LazySeq to a readonly JS Map

This function builds a JS Map from the entries in the LazySeq. Each entry in the LazySeq is convered to a tuple of key and value using the provided function. If a duplicate key is found, the provided merge function is called to determine the value for the key. If no merge function is provided, the last value for the key is used. If you don't wish to merge values, LazySeq.toRLookup keeps all the duplicate values.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toMutableMap<K, S>(
f: (x: T) => readonly [K & JsMapKey, S],
merge?: (v1: S, v2: S) => S
): Map<K, S>

Converts the entries of the LazySeq to a JS Map

This function builds a JS Map from the entries in the LazySeq. Each entry in the LazySeq is convered to a tuple of key and value using the provided function. If a duplicate key is found, the provided merge function is called to determine the value for the key. If no merge function is provided, the last value for the key is used.

In the spirit of immutability, LazySeq.toRMap is preferred over this function unless neccisary.

f: (x: T) => readonly [string, S],
merge?: (v1: S, v2: S) => S
): { [key: string]: S }

Converts the entries of the LazySeq to a JS Object

This function builds a javascript object from the entries in the LazySeq. Each entry in the LazySeq is convered to a tuple of key and value using the provided function. If a duplicate key is found, the provided merge function is called to determine the value for the key. If no merge function is provided, the last value for the key is used.

f: (x: T) => readonly [number, S],
merge?: (v1: S, v2: S) => S
): { [key: number]: S }

Converts the entries of the LazySeq to a JS Object

This function builds a javascript object from the entries in the LazySeq. Each entry in the LazySeq is convered to a tuple of key and value using the provided function. If a duplicate key is found, the provided merge function is called to determine the value for the key. If no merge function is provided, the last value for the key is used.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toHashSet<S>(converter: (x: T) => S & HashKey): HashSet<S & HashKey>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to a HashSet

This is a convenience function for which creates a HashSet from a function which converts the entries in the LazySeq to a hashable value.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toOrderedSet<S>(converter: (x: T) => S & OrderedMapKey): OrderedSet<S & OrderedMapKey>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to an OrderedSet

This is a convenience function for which creates an OrderedSet from a function which converts the entries in the LazySeq to an orderable value.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toRSet<S>(converter: (x: T) => S & JsMapKey): ReadonlySet<S>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to a JS Set

toRSet converts the entries in the LazySeq to a readonly JS Set.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toMutableSet<S>(converter: (x: T) => S & JsMapKey): Set<S>

Converts the entries in the LazySeq to a JS Set

toRSet converts the entries in the LazySeq to a mutable JS Set. In the spirit of immutability, LazySeq.toRSet is preferred over this function unless neccisary.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.fold<S>(zero: S, f: (soFar: S, cur: T) => S): S

Reduce all the entries in the LazySeq to a single value

fold reduces all the entries in the LazySeq to a single value using the provided function. The function combines elements in order from the LazySeq, with the first element being combined with the zero value, and then the result of that combination is combined with the second element, and so on.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.reduce(f: (soFar: T, cur: T) => T): T

Reduce all the entries in the LazySeq to a single value

reduce works the same as Array.reduce. When given with no initial value, the accumulator is initialized to the first element of the LazySeq and the combining function is called starting with the second value. An error is thrown if the LazySeq is empty.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.reduce<S>(f: (soFar: S, cur: T) => S, initialValue: S): S

Reduce all the entries in the LazySeq to a single value

reduce works the same as Array.reduce and when givin an initial value is the same as LazySeq.fold. The initial value is combined with the first element, the result of that combination is combined with the second element, and so on.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.transform<U>(f: (s: LazySeq<T>) => U): U

Apply a function to the LazySeq

Applies the provided function f to this and returns the result. This is a convenience function which allows you to continue to chain operations without having to create a new temporary variable.


𝑜𝑏𝑗.toLookup<K>(key: (x: T) => K & HashKey): HashMap<K & HashKey, ReadonlyArray<T>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by a key, returning a HashMap with an array of values

The key function is used to extract a key for each entry and then entries are grouped by a key. All the values that have the same key are collected into an array and returned in a HashMap.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toLookup<K, S>(
key: (x: T) => K & HashKey,
val: (x: T) => S
): HashMap<K & HashKey, ReadonlyArray<S>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by a key, returning a HashMap with an array of values

Each element in the LazySeq is converted to a key and a value using the provided functions. The keys are used to group the values into an array and the result is returned in a HashMap.

key: (x: T) => K & OrderedMapKey
): OrderedMap<K & OrderedMapKey, ReadonlyArray<T>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by a key, returning an OrderedMap with an array of values

The key function is used to extract a key for each entry and then entries are grouped by a key. All the values that have the same key are collected into an array and returned in an OrderedMap.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toOrderedLookup<K, S>(
key: (x: T) => K & OrderedMapKey,
val: (x: T) => S
): OrderedMap<K & OrderedMapKey, ReadonlyArray<S>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by a key, returning an OrderedMap with an array of values

Each element in the LazySeq is converted to a key and a value using the provided functions. The keys are used to group the values into an array and the result is returned in an OrderedMap.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toLookupMap<K1, K2>(
key1: (x: T) => K1 & HashKey,
key2: (x: T) => K2 & HashKey
): HashMap<K1 & HashKey, HashMap<K2 & HashKey, T>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by two keys, returning a HashMap of HashMaps

All entries in the LazySeq are first grouped by key1. For each key1, all the values that share the same key1 are then grouped by key2. Entries with the same key1 and key2 overwrite previous entries with the same keys (see the more general toLookupMap for a version with a merge function). The result is a HashMap of HashMaps.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toLookupMap<K1, K2, S extends NotUndefined>(
key1: (x: T) => K1 & HashKey,
key2: (x: T) => K2 & HashKey,
val: (x: T) => S,
mergeVals?: (v1: S, v2: S) => S
): HashMap<K1 & HashKey, HashMap<K2 & HashKey, S>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by two keys, returning a HashMap of HashMaps

All entries in the LazySeq are passed to the provided functions to extract a key1, key2, and value. They are then first grouped by key1. For each key1, all the values that share the same key1 are then grouped by key2. Entries with the same key1 and key2 are either merged using the mergeVals function if it is provided, otherwise values later in the LazySeq overwrite previous values with the same keys. The result is a HashMap of HashMaps.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toLookupOrderedMap<K1, K2>(
key1: (x: T) => K1 & OrderedMapKey,
key2: (x: T) => K2 & OrderedMapKey
): OrderedMap<K1 & OrderedMapKey, OrderedMap<K2 & OrderedMapKey, T>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by two keys, returning an OrderedMap of OrderedMaps

All entries in the LazySeq are first grouped by key1. For each key1, all the values that share the same key1 are then grouped by key2. Entries with the same key1 and key2 overwrite previous entries with the same keys (see the more general toLookupOrderedMap for a version with a merge function). The result is an OrderedMap of OrderedMaps.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toLookupOrderedMap<K1, K2, S>(
key1: (x: T) => K1 & OrderedMapKey,
key2: (x: T) => K2 & OrderedMapKey,
val: (x: T) => S,
mergeVals?: (v1: S, v2: S) => S
): OrderedMap<K1 & OrderedMapKey, OrderedMap<K2 & OrderedMapKey, S>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by two keys, returning an OrderedMap of OrderedMaps

All entries in the LazySeq are passed to the provided functions to extract a key1, key2, and value. They are then first grouped by key1. For each key1, all the values that share the same key1 are then grouped by key2. Entries with the same key1 and key2 are either merged using the mergeVals function if it is provided, otherwise values later in the LazySeq overwrite previous values with the same keys. The result is a OrderedMap of OrderedMaps.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toRLookup<K>(key: (x: T) => K): ReadonlyMap<K, ReadonlyArray<T>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by a key, returning a Javascript Map with an array of values

The key function is used to extract a key for each entry and then entries are grouped by a key. All the values that have the same key are collected into an array and returned in an JS Map.

𝑜𝑏𝑗.toRLookup<K, S>(key: (x: T) => K, val: (x: T) => S): ReadonlyMap<K, ReadonlyArray<S>>

Group entries in the LazySeq by a key, returning a Javascript Map with an array of values

Each element in the LazySeq is converted to a key and a value using the provided functions. The keys are used to group the values into an array and the result is returned in an JS Map.